This campaign discovered extraordinary people from all walks of life to mark the invention of a hydrogen powered car. The concept was to cast impossibly resilient and talented people to match an almost impossible car whose only by-product is pure water. This casting turned a feat of engineering excellence into an emotive story of human endeavour and accomplishment.

The challenge of this campaign was inherent in the brief. This was also an international campaign, where languages would turn out to be essential, and we were looking for unsung hero’s who were quietly accomplishing their impossible feats of human achievement in the shadows, still relatively undiscovered. So, by definition, we had to look long and hard for these gems!


We discovered Simona through a relationship with a charity. A 'lemons into lemonade woman' if ever there was one.

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Robert is 107 and still cycling. We found this amazing gentleman from a small newspaper article. Contacting him was the hard part. There was no address, no social media, he’s French-speaking, and, even when we did finally track him down, he couldn’t be reached on the phone as he’s almost entirely deaf!

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Aitor was disabled world surf champion. He speaks no English, and, when we found him, had no agent. Or email. Filming him night surfing was his idea and it worked perfectly to bring home the message of the campaign.

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Rannveig fell 15 metres off a cliff onto rocks. Here she is scaling a cliff face. Super fit, agile, and more powerful than ever.

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At a time when other kids start to spread their wings, the progression of Lily’s disability meant that she was suddenly confined to her wheelchair. But what a chair. And look what she can do in it. Lily’s dad doubles as her agent and her driver, and, usefully a paramedic too!

Director | Johnny Hardstaff
Agency | The & Partnership